August 02, 2005

Victims? Try Vixens.

Most of the time, incredible opportunities come along but once in a lifetime. However, you lucky readers get an amazing opportunity once a week to read the most witty and intellectually stimulating writing of the most savvy, suave and sexy women to have ever hit the blogosphere. That's right. It's Tuesday, which means it is the Cotillion Ball.

First of all, I have to start by saying that this is not the first, nor the second, but the THIRD attempt at posting my hosting. I had the most incredibly epic post of all time when, lo and behold, my college years come crashing through my computer and not once, but twice, completely eradicate my prose. I don't know how it happened, or how I could be so stupid, but it did. I nearly cried since it took over an hour and half to create the first post. BUT, I am a print learner, so hopefully I can remember what I wrote originally originally. And yes, that redundancy was intentional. So, a little sympathetic comment making is most welcome and highly desired at this point.

I am not the only one highlighting the writings of heroines and housewives, daredevils and divas, swashbucklers and standard-bearers. Nope, the other lovely hostesses this week are Ilyka Damen, KelliPundit and Sisu who profile the genius of at least 25 other bloggers.

Let's get this started with Crystal Clear who is feeling a bit submerged by the bureaucracy that is the mental health division of the medical field. She vents what she assures is "perhaps some of the most down-to-earth  and honest insights from a mental health professional you will find in the blogosphere concerning the chronically seriously mentally ill."

With catlike finesse, Darleen at Darleen's Place shreds the phony posturing and contrived sympathies of those who claim to be for women's rights. She bears her claws at DeWayne Wickham who writes an article ridiculously titled "White Women May Regret Voting for Bush," in which he painfully attempts to remove the presumed scales from the eyes of Bush voters to reveal the horror, the danger that is SCOTUS nominee John Roberts, Jr.  Anyone this desperate is begging for a verbal spanking, but frankly, I think that anyone who spells his name D-e-W-a-y-n-e deserves to be flayed by a sexy sage:

Wickham could have discussed the issue in a clear, fact-driven manner, but I guess the opportunity to tee hee over stupid "white" women was just too tempting to pass up.

Dr. Sanity rushes to the rescue of talk radio host and NRO contributing author Michael Graham who is the most recent victim of bleeding heart liberalism and the tolerance of the terrorist sympathizing group CAIR who has taken issue with his audacity in connecting terrorism and Islam. The NERVE! The HORROR! The TRUTH! He has been suspended without pay and is currently awaiting word on his future with NRO. I'm sure you've heard of it as it's been all over the news...oh wait, no it hasn't!

Christina at Feisty Repartee gets all introspective on us and explores the idea of self. Not the self that is easily defined by likes and dislikes, roles, labels and other identifiers. But the self that exists apart from all those things. The self that likes Eggs Benedict. :)

Sadie at Fistful of Fortnights delivers a right hook to lefty Hanoi Jane and her latest political shenanigans. She profile's Jane's latest Baghdad Workout. Here's a sample of the regiment:

8 minute warm-up - Get the blood flowing in the hot desert sun.
8 minute arm work - Salute the troops to lure them into false sense of friendly security.
20 minute aerobic section - Waving arms and shouting anti-war slogans.
8 minute cool down - Propaganda huddle.
9 minute balance and flexibility - Playtime with hand grenades and landmines.

Florida Cracker sets her sights on complaining voyeurs in Web of Lies. It's quite an amusing story, I assure you.

Ilyka Damen, fellow Cotillion hostess, stretches out her hand to help the lefty nut jobs that reside in Berkeley love communes. She offers a few subtle suggestions that might help them up their efficacy in trying to shock the world. Three such suggestions are:

1. Bathe
2. That money that you had saved up for the sex change? Invest it in petrochemical companies instead. And..
3. There are these things? Called jobs?

Finally, KelliPundit, also fellow hostess, thanks the little guy who acted as a guardian angel/good Samaritan to a little boy in New York.


There are a few who couldn't make it this week. Instead of maliciously maiming Girl on the Right, e-Claire and Free Thoughts, we'll just assume they're out combating evil and can't spare a minute for the common folk. It happens to the best of us.

Final thoughts: Angelina Jolie is one phenomenal woman. She's the envy of every woman and the desire of every man.

Other than that side note, that about does it for this round of rapacious, witty comments from celebrated conservatives. Stay tuned next week for another sneak peak into the minds of brilliant, accomplished super women. (Man, this alliteration thing is hard...and annoying.)


Posted by Portia at August 2, 2005 03:48 AM